
What the hell is happening to the world?!

Okay i need to vent .. what happened to all the REAL men in the world? Now i love men who rock baggy jeans (the right way and not extra baggy & half way on their azz) and some fresh timz, but i love a man that knows how to dress too. A guy who knows how to switch it up & knows what to wear when he's about to take you out to a restaurant. Ain't nothing sexier than that ;)


I saw this picture of soccerplayer Cristiano Ronaldo matching his Gucci belt with his Gucci --> handbag and this AIN'T right. Fact: it won't be long from now or there will be noooooooo diffrence between men & women. They already wear skinny jeans, 'do' their hair, wear 'tops', UGGS & i promise you not too long from now they'll be wearing pumps too'. I know some women love metrosexual men, but this really is disgusting to me. So help me Lord that i'll catch my man dressing like that! This is so ultra überrrrrrr-gay and don't get me wrong when I say that cause i have NOTHING against people their sexuality, but a man has to be a --> M A N. And don't tell me it was his girls bag, because you done know he is the feminine gay type & he rocks his handbags on a regular :0)

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