
My thoughts on the memorial

First & foremost i must say i applaud the Jackson Family for having a memorial instead of a public viewing. Just having the casket at the memorial was very emotional. It kind of felt as if he could hear everything that has been said about him. Now i believe the body is just the physical part but the spirit lives on .. so if he is an angel looking down i am sure he was proud to see how many people loved him and the many tears that have been shed because of his loss. He really made that change we probably never would have seen without MJ & I can tell you i haven't cried like this in a very very very long time.

Seeing his family in this difficult time was emotional. You can tell how close the Jackson family is and they may have always been 'diffrent' to the public, but i am pretty sure alot of people wish they had a family like that. They really are eachother's backbone & comfort in times like these. Eventhough you're watching it on tv you can feel it .. that's special & that's the way a family is supposed to be.

Now the media is talking about if Michael's daughter Paris cried (cause they saw no tears) or if it was a staged act. They are wondering what happened to Michael's body & if he was actually laying in the casket during the memorial. I am tired of the rumors & speculations .. really tired. W H A T E V E R the case may be it doesn't matter anymore, he's no longer here & can we please let the man rest?! He's been through enough pain & sorrow while being on earth .. may he rest in peace now.

There will always be more people loving Michael than there are people 'hating' him & that's all that matters. The family did a great job to honor him & i think most people feel the same way. He'll forever live in all of us & he wouldn't want it any other way than for us to 'smile' when we think about him.

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