
Sources: Michael Jackson’s Doctors Caused His Death

Dr. Conrad Murray, a cardiologist at the center of a police investigation into the sudden death of pop icon Michael Jackson, has hired a Houston attorney to represent him, according to MyFox Houston.

L.A. police are focusing their investigation on Murray who was with Jackson when he went into respiratory and cardiac arrest Thursday.

Police spoke briefly with Murray at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center where the singer was pronounced dead at 2:26pm pst Thursday. But police want to conduct a second, more extensive interview with Murray who vanished from the hospital after Jackson was pronounced dead.

Emergency room personnel described a chaotic scene in the ER after Jackson arrived. Sources say Murray yelled, “We’ve got to save him!” and insisted upon continuing resuscitation efforts for more than an hour after Jackson had already died.

There are reports that Murray performed CPR on Jackson for a full 45 minutes before paramedics were called to Jackson’s rented mansion in Holmby Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles. According to a spokesman for the L.A. Fire Dept., Jackson was in full cardiac arrest (no heart rhythm) and was not breathing when paramedics arrived at the scene.

Jackson family members told that Murray gave Jackson an injection of Demerol, a narcotic painkiller, at 11:30 am — an hour before paramedics were called. Family members believe a potent cocktail of narcotic painkillers, including Demerol and OxyContin, caused his death.

Demerol, an opioid similar to morphine and heroin, is normally administered to post-op patients. One side effect of Demerol is suppression of breathing to the point where respirations are no longer adequate to sustain life.

According to transcripts of a 911 call placed from the residence, Murray performed CPR on Jackson while the stricken star lay in bed, as opposed to moving him to the floor which provides a more stable surface for chest compressions. Murray apparently didn’t give Jackson an opioid antagonist, such as Narcan, that would have reversed the effects of a Demerol overdose.

Chances are Jackson would be alive today if he had received a dose of Narcan immediately upon the onset of symptoms such as respiratory distress, dangerously low blood pressure and sedation.

This doctor IS responsible for the death of Michael Jackson .. believe that! I really think he gave him an overdose .. maybe not on purpose, but he gave him too much of something too strong and his heart just stopped beating. And to make things even worse this 'doctor' didn't follow the strict rules for CPR. I hope the Jackson family tears his azz upppp for not knowing what the hell he was doing. He deserves JAILTIME for playing with people their life like this.

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