
Usher got mad on Larry King ..

Usher was on the Larry King show (via satellite) to discuss his idol when Larry decided to dwell on Michael Jackson's addictions and other negative issues when Usher got mad and said:

I realize this is your platform, but a family has lost a son, a brother, a father and they are still mourning the loss, all the other stuff will eventually come out but I can’t believe we are sitting here talking about addiction at this point!

First of all i have to say i applaud Usher's decision to end his interview. I don't know what Larry was thinking to talk to Usher about the man who taught him everything he knows. And 2nd of all eventhough i really don't like to think black/white in this case i do wonder why they didn't talk all kinds of bullsh!t when 'The King of Rock & Roll' Elvis Presley died??! Wasn't he a drug addict??? Is it because Michael Jackson was a black man is it a okay to keep talking sh!t even when the man is dead? I swear sometimes it's hard for me to read or watch certain things. Talking about someone who is alive is 1 thing, but to go as far as trying to make the loss of the greatest entertainer ever even worse by discussing all the negative things that come to mind, when they man isn't even burried yet really is something else !! Weren't all the molestation accusations enough when he was alive? Can't they just let him rest and appreciate his contribution to the music industry? This makes me sick to my stomache.

Shame on them .. really shame on them !!

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